Monday, May 10, 2010

Serving One Another

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent's humanitarian commitment to prevent and alleviate human suffering is a task with which young people easily identify themselves with. Young people make significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people withing their local communities and globally.

Within the Kenya Red Cross, the terms ` youth` and `young people` cover the broad age range of between 7 to 30 years.This includes children of between 7 t0 13 years old, adolescents of between 14 to 17 years old and young adults of between 18 to 30 years.

Traditionally, children and youth have tended to be the `beneficiary` of the movement, but through time they have proved instrumental to serve the movement as volunteers and partners in its management and governance.
Kenya Red cross believes in supporting and enhancing a unique, dynamic and capable Youth Volunteer force, while striving to continue being the leading humanitarian organization offering neutral and voluntary assistance to the most vulnerable in Kenya.

Youth Motto
Serve one another.
Youth Promise
To join with others all over the world and to help the sick and suffering.

The Overall Goal
To equip the youth with knowledge and skills to enable them take an active role in the welfare of their communities by participating in the 4-part core areas of the movement.

These are; promotion of life and Health, community service, promotion of International Friends and Understanding, and Dissemination of Red Cross knowledge, values and International Humanitarian Law.
The youth programme aims at involving young people in the movement and its activities as partners, workers and beneficiaries. The work carried out in each of these areas depends on the challenges and / or needs faced by communities and the youth.

1) Protection of Life and Health
Aim- To equip young people with health and lifesaving knowledge and skills to improve their lifestyle and of those of their surrounding communities.
-HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns
- Blood donation mobilization
-First Aid training
-Drugs and substance abuse training
-Disease prevention and control campaigns e.g
measles, polio, malaria etc.
-Disaster preparedness and response e.g Assessments,
relief distribution, disaster management training.

2) Community service
Aim- Guiding young people towards enhancing and developing social responsibility and environmental consciousness for improving living standards within the community.
-Environmental awareness campaigns e.g tree
-Hospital visits
-Visits to the less privileged i.e. orphans, aged etc.
-Clean -up campaigns

3) Dissemination of Red Cross Principles
Aims- increase young people's knowledge and understanding of the Red Cross and Red crescent movement, values and fundamental principles.

-Encourage more support from friends, well -wishers and the general public.
-Attract young people 's membership to the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
key areas under dissemination includes;
- International Humanitarian Law
-The 7 Fundamental principles
-Mandate and values of Kenya Red Cross
-Components of the Kenya Red Cross
-Emblem use and abuse

4) Promotion of National And International Friendship And Understanding
Aim - Encourage friendship and networking amongst, young people at the local, regional and international level.
Promote cross cultural learning and experience sharing, at the local, regional and international level, through;
- Camp and crafts survival
-Mountaineering and networking
-Youth exchange programmes
-Youth conferences and workshops
-Team building initiatives
-Edutainment i.e. theatre, plays, music
-Youth Delegate/Exchange programmes

Membership to Kenya Red Cross is open to all regardless of class, race, gender, tribe, religion, political ideologies, age and nationality. The broad youth membership category may be classified under: a) Youths in school(Junior Red Cross)
  • Primary
  • Secondary
b) Youths out of school
  • College and universities
  • Employed

Young people are welcome to Kenya Red Cross as volunteer to assist in time of need. Anyone can and may join as a volunteer. Youth forms a substantial part of the Kenya Red Cross membership, currently composing over 60 percent of the entire volunteer force. This vital constituency of the Kenya Red Cross needs an elaborate structure with well defined and functional levels through which youths issues can be articulated in the furtherance of the core four part youth objectives


  1. Awesome job keep it up guys, make us proud. Its great to see that the Nakuru youth are up in arms. Keep the spirit going.

  2. I would love to be a volunteer at ur branch am kelvin kimutai. I am just asking kindly for ur help of how i would join the great movement

    contact me 0746909777 thank you
